Yahoo News Article Rating

A 'blue wall' victory is not complete without Omaha's blue dot

Sep 05, 2024 View Original Article
  • Bias Rating

    38% Medium Conservative

  • Reliability

    55% ReliableFair

  • Policy Leaning

    50% Medium Conservative

  • Politician Portrayal

    19% Positive

Bias Score Analysis

The A.I. bias rating includes policy and politician portrayal leanings based on the author’s tone found in the article using machine learning. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral.


Overall Sentiment

12% Positive

  •   Liberal
  •   Conservative
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Bias Meter




Somewhat Liberal


Somewhat Conservative






Bias Meter

Contributing sentiments towards policy:

55% : Trump benefitted from the system in Maine, a blue state, where he won a single electoral college vote in 2016 and 2020 despite losing statewide.
50% : While Trump is expected to carry the statewide vote in Nebraska by a wide margin - he won about 58% in 2016 and 2020 - it's an open question how much he intends to compete in the competitive 2nd District.
47% : Here's why: If Harris carries the three "blue wall" states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin and Trump wins the sunbelt states of North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada, the race could become a 269-269 tie, decided by the House of Representatives.
45% : "For all of the pathways for Harris and Trump to reach the White House, the race for 270 electoral votes could come down to Nebraska's sprawling 2nd District covering Omaha and parts of two nearby counties, which hold many similarities to suburban areas across the country.
44% : "'It can change right up until Election Day'For months, Trump and his Republican allies have sought to change the Nebraska law that awards electoral votes by congressional district and implement statewide winner-take-all rules.
33% : Trump won here in 2016, but lost in 2020.
21% : "For now, the Trump campaign and Republicans are working to defeat Harris in a district that extends through Omaha's western suburbs to rural towns like Wahoo, where Stephen and Sonja Peetz said they are ready for change in the White House - a change back to Trump.
16% : Bacon said Trump runs the risk of losing again, if he doesn't focus on inflation, immigration and other top concerns of voters.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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