Daily Mail Online Article Rating

Boris Johnson urges law change to deem Rwanda a 'safe' country

Nov 15, 2023 View Original Article
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    -10% Center

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Contributing sentiments towards policy:

64% : This confirms the Government's clear view from the outset.'Illegal migration destroys lives and costs British taxpayers millions of pounds a year.
59% : 'I think the British people have been very patient, I've been very patient, and now they're demanding action.
54% : It is not linked to the European Union, so Brexit did not affect the UK's obligations.
50% : That will make it absolutely clear to our courts and to Strasbourg that the risks laid out by the court today have been responded to, will be consistent with international law and ensure that Parliament is able to scrutinise it.'Downing Street said a new treaty with Rwanda would be laid in Parliament in the 'coming days' that the UK Government believes 'addresses concerns raised by the court'.
49% : By Greg Heffer, Political Correspondent and James Tapsfield Political Editor For MailonlineBoris Johnson today urged Rishi Sunak to change the law to deem Rwanda a 'safe' country in the wake of the Supreme Court's block on migrants being flown there.
47% : 'The British people expect us to do whatever it takes to stop the boats and that is precisely what this Government will deliver.'The comments came after the Supreme Court concluded unanimously that the scheme to deport arrivals immediately would break the law.
45% : 'In agreement with the Court of Appeal, we consider that the past and the present cannot be effectively ignored or sidelined as the Secretary of State suggests.'In a 56-page judgment dismissing the Home Office's appeal, Lords Reed and Lloyd-Jones said the High Court had wrongly dismissed the evidence of the UN Refugee Agency, the UNHCR, about problems with the Rwandan asylum system.
45% : He added: 'There are other international treaties which also prohibit the return of asylum seekers to their countries of origin without a proper examination of their claims.'These included the the United Nations (UN) Refugee Convention, the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment and the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, he said.
39% : 'It is time -- with a large remaining majority -- for Parliament to determine that Rwanda is safe, bust the evil people traffickers, stop the boats, recapture the spirit of 2019 and get Rwanda done.'Boris Johnson urged Rishi Sunak to change the law to deem Rwanda a 'safe' country in the wake of the Supreme Court's block on migrants being flown thereThe ex-PM, pictured with Mr Sunak at Sunday's Remembrance service at the Cenotaph, claimed it was the 'only way' to end a 'legal blockade' on the asylum dealPosting on X, formerly known as Twitter, Mr Johnson called for Mr Sunak to follow the advice he set out in a Daily Mail column he wrote in JuneMr Johnson's intervention came after Mr Sunak insisted he could water down the UK's international human rights commitments after the Supreme Court ruling.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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