Daily Mail Online Article Rating

How America's aging hippies could save Biden from older conservatives

Apr 06, 2024 View Original Article
  • Bias Rating

    30% Medium Conservative

  • Reliability

    30% ReliableFair

  • Policy Leaning

    26% Medium Conservative

  • Politician Portrayal

    -2% Negative

Bias Score Analysis

The A.I. bias rating includes policy and politician portrayal leanings based on the author’s tone found in the article using machine learning. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral.


Overall Sentiment

4% Positive

  •   Conservative
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Somewhat Liberal


Somewhat Conservative






Bias Meter

Contributing sentiments towards policy:

46% : The same poll found that Trump was leading Biden in every single age group, except for seniors.
42% : Ahead of the 2020 election, Biden held a 26-point lead among the same voting bloc, but the NBC poll found Trump held a four-point lead.
40% : In November 2023, a staggering NBC poll found that Trump had taken the lead over Biden among voters under 35, traditionally a group that Democrats assumed they would win easilyYounger voters are eyeing third-party candidates, such as RFK Jr and Cornel WestIn November 2023, a staggering NBC poll found that Trump had taken the lead over Biden among voters under 35, traditionally a group that Democrats assumed they would win easily.
28% : However, polls also suggest Biden may be losing significant support among young voters, with a new poll this month finding half of voters under 40 are looking to vote for a third-party candidate amid a surge for RFJ Jr.Another poll from November 2023 also had Trump ahead of Biden among young voters under 35 by four points, compared to Biden's 26-point lead with the same age group ahead of the 2020 election.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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