Yahoo News Article Rating

Is Kamala Harris beating Trump? What the polls show (so far).

Jul 30, 2024 View Original Article
  • Bias Rating

    10% Center

  • Reliability

    55% ReliableFair

  • Policy Leaning

    10% Center

  • Politician Portrayal

    -3% Negative

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-4% Negative

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Contributing sentiments towards policy:

76% : Here are four key trends that have emerged since Harris took Biden's place at the top of the ticket:The latest Yahoo News/YouGov poll -- conducted when Biden was on the brink of ending his campaign -- was one of the first to test Harris vs. Trump in this new environment.
73% : Compared to Biden, it found her performing 3 points better among women, 7 points better among Americans ages 18 to 29, 7 points better among independents, 8 points better among Black Americans and 13 points better among those who view both Biden and Trump unfavorably (so-called double haters).
72% : According to this week's Fox News surveys, Harris now enjoys a higher favorable rating than Trump in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Minnesota; in Michigan, the two candidates are on equal footing at 49% apiece.
68% : Biden trailed Trump by 2 points in that survey as well.
62% : In Wisconsin, Harris (49%) trails Trump (50%) by 1 point; in Minnesota, she leads by 6 (52% to 46%).
61% : Polling averages calculated by the New York Times showed Trump leading by 7 points in Nevada; 6 points in Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina; 5 points in Michigan; and 4 points in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
54% : In contrast, just 27% of independents viewed Trump favorably in the latest ABC News/Ipsos poll.
52% : In that poll, a full 88% of Democrats now said they were feeling enthusiastic -- higher than the 82% of Republicans who said the same about Trump.
45% : The New York Times/Siena College survey, for instance, showed Trump leading Biden among likely voters by 6 points after the debate, 49% to 43%.
43% : Earlier this month, the president was down at 40%-41% in both Sun Belt states; Trump was at 47%.
42% : Trump was even catching up to Biden in blue states such as Minnesota and Virginia.
40% : Now Harris is at 44% in Arizona and 46% in Georgia, while Trump is at 49% and 48%, respectively.
35% : In Michigan, Harris and Trump are tied at 49%; the same goes for Pennsylvania.
31% : Before dropping out, Biden's rating had been 32% favorable to 55% unfavorable -- even worse than Trump's.
14% : Meanwhile in Georgia and Arizona, new surveys from The Hill/Emerson College show Harris still lagging behind Trump -- but by smaller margins than Biden.
12% : Biden was seen less favorably than both Harris and Trump in all four states.
10% : The previous Yahoo News/YouGov poll, which went into the field right after Biden's damaging June 27 debate performance, put Harris (45%) 2 points behind Trump (47%).
7% : Subsequent national polls have confirmed Yahoo News' initial finding: that Harris is reversing Biden's decline and pulling even with Trump.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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