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The Women's Protest In Iran 2022-23 - Part I: Women's Status In

Sep 15, 2023 View Original Article
  • Bias Rating

    100% Very Conservative

  • Reliability

    60% ReliableFair

  • Policy Leaning

    100% Very Conservative

  • Politician Portrayal


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Contributing sentiments towards policy:

65% : "This is precisely the reason... that the great Islamic Revolution [of Iran] has led Western society to a profound challenge...
64% : With the proper support and guidance of the Islamic Republic [of Iran] in the past four decades, and thanks to awareness on the part of the daughters of this land regarding their true status and value, there has been a brilliant record of exceptional growth of women in science, politics, society, culture, and sports, and Iranian women are shining in various areas in the world.
62% : In First Speech: "Equality Between Men And Women In Human And Islamic Values Is One Of The Principles Of Islam...
61% : Equality between men and women in the area of human and Islamic values is one of the principles of Islam and this is indisputable...
58% : We are going to double the police presence on public transportation, particularly at times when most of the attacks take place.'
55% : Where else in the world do women participate in as many activities as they do in Iran, for example those carried out by Iranian women proudly and with head held high?
50% : This ongoing civil protest against the extremist religious regime has included open, clear opposition to its symbols, and is one of the largest in Iran since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.
50% : For years they have been attempting to advance their [Western] way of life in Islamic Iran by any method and using any tools at their disposal, beginning with the virtual space, cinema, and music, and including false satellite channels.
50% : Is absconding with very precious capital, the foundation of society and families [i.e. the hijab], less [grave] than stealing material currency and capital?..."Some claim, based on the attractive term 'freedom' and without understanding the meaning of their [own] words, that according to the principle of freedom, every woman is entitled to appear in public without a hijab and wearing anything she wants!
50% : According to this definition and this logic, the people arguing for freedom can claim that someone who crosses on a red light or uses or sells drugs in public does so as part of freedom.
46% : As soon as the intensity of protests diminished, and they appeared to no longer pose a significant threat to the regime, legislation is in process that would enforce the hijab, including with the use of advanced facial recognition software to identify women who break the law as well as steep fines.
46% : Kayhan: "One Current Example Of The West's Efforts To Change The Culture Of Islamic Iran And To Promote Western Culture Is The Issue Of The Islamic Hijab For Women""Such a sorrowful challenge for the Western world has made it think about drying up the wellspring of Islamic culture in the current era, to extinguish the sun of the Islamic Revolution and to change the culture of Iranian society.
46% : Friday imam Ayatollah Khatami (Source: Mashregh, Iran, July 21, 2023)"The hijab is a religious ritual.
44% : The main emphasis of the "Woman, Life, Freedom" protests that swept Iran in 2022-2023 was on women's rights and status in the country.
44% : When the regime realized that using force to mandate hijab wear could take a significant toll and even endanger its stability, it launched a new policy, placing the responsibility for enforcing hijab wear on society, even encouraging the citizens to enforce it themselves against women in public.
44% : Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's Directives Regarding Women's Status And The HijabOn January 4, 2023, for the first time since the protests in Iran broke out four months previously Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei addressed the issue of the hijab and women's status.
44% : The citizens, he said, are not at all opposed to the hijab, but have been deceived by the West - which is where women have no freedom or security as they do in Iran.
44% : Don't they think that this freedom causes injustice to everyone else?"The West's trampling of the hijab for women in the past century in those countries has led it to the point where French President Macron, for example, said: 'More and more women fear being attacked and harassed, so they no longer dare to use public transportation.
43% : Khamenei explained women's inferiority according to a materialistic-cultural world view, but only with regard to Western society, and as a factor stemming from industrialization in the West, particularly in the 19th century - without touching at all upon women in Islamic culture in recent centuries or the political rights of women in the West versus those rights in Iran.
42% : "One current example of the West's efforts to change the culture of Islamic Iran and to promote Western culture is the issue of the Islamic hijab for women.
41% : Kayhan also took issue with the reformist stream in Iran that it said places sole emphasis on the economy and none on the values of Iranian society that are rooted in the family unit, which is a source of religion, culture, and the hijab.
40% : After reviewing several areas of activity in which women have had achievements, such as sports, Khamenei acknowledged that women are indeed absent from the decision-making process in Islamic Iran, and said unenthusiastically that "this is a flaw, and this flaw must be removed.
40% : In what matters are women in Iran not free?
40% : "[11]The Regime's Decision As Read Out At The Nationwide March For International Qods Day In April 2023: "The Hijab Is One Of The Foundations Of Islam - And Disobeying It Is Forbidden By Shari'a And Will Weaken The Basis Of The Family"The regime's seven-section decision that dealt, inter alia, with the hijab, that was read out by marchers in the national International Qods Day march in Tehran in April 2023, was a direct continuation of the narrative promoted by Leader Khamenei - that is, that the West and the Zionists are behind the struggle over the hijab in Iran.
39% : The protests broke out in response to the Tehran modesty police's harsh enforcement of hijab wear, which led to the death of a young Kurdish woman, Jina Mahsa Amini, on September 16, 2022.[1]The civil protests against compulsory hijab wear in public spaces that swept the young people - women, students, and ethnic minorities - are not just cultural, but a manifestation of the political struggle for Iran's character.[2] Removing the hijab is not just a symbol of opposition to religious dress codes, but also a political act against the Islamic Revolutionary regime, which imposes its ideological-religious world view in a way to ensure that Islamic visibility takes over public spaces.
39% : According to the report, 90% of the women in Tehran who do not wear a hijab are young, between 18 and 44.[3]
39% : Or is it the beginning of a bitter end that portends evil?"[6]Kayhan Editor Hossein Shariatmadari: "It's Not The Right Thing" That Some Women Are Abandoning The Hijab - "They Are Breaking The Law"; "If The Revolution Becomes Weak, It's When People Give Up On Islam - That's Impossible"With the regime's success at repressing the street protests across Iran, Kayhan editor Hossein Shariatmadari showed a moderate face to the British Financial Times daily, calling in an interview published March 27, 2023 to raise awareness of the hijab among women and to educate them to wear it instead of making it compulsory for them to do so.
39% : Under these conditions, can someone appear naked in public without anyone protesting about it, on the pretext of the principle of freedom?
37% : "He admitted that in Iran there is domestic violence against women on the part of their spouses, but explained that just as compulsory hijab would hide women from men's gazes in public, the problem of men's violence against women in the home would be solved by ensuring that "family law is so strong that no man will be able to oppress women.
37% : The following are excerpts from the interview, in the original English:"It's not the right thing [that some women are abandoning the hijab]; they are breaking the law.
36% : "The outcome, and the fate, of the path, and of course, of the trap, set by the Western leaders and the media affiliated with the enemies of Iran in recent years... is the destruction of the institution of the family and the transformation of women into an element slaking the endless sensual desires of men.
33% : One year after the death of Jina Mahsa Amini, this series of reports will offer an analysis of the civil protest that shook Iran for six months.
33% : In his April 4 speech, Khamenei accused the West and its intelligence agencies of being behind what he called the plot of the struggle against the hijab in Iran.
31% : "They [in the West] threaten Iran - which gives women the highest possible respect.
31% : The bizarre and widespread efforts of a great many official and virtual media affiliated with the West or supported financially and politically by the enemies of Iran to promote rejection of the hijab is a worrying and undeniable reality.
30% : They No Longer Dare To Use Public Transportation'"In a June 20, 2023 article, Kayhan justified the Iranian regime's extensive focus on enforcing hijab wear on women by explaining that it was about tackling corruption, and compared refusal to wear the hijab to going naked in public.
16% : And that the analysis by the members [i.e. the reformists in Iran] who see 'all the problems' in Iran through an economic lens - how mistaken and inaccurate they can be.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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