ABC News Article Rating

'This Week' Transcript 5-19-24: Sen. Chris Van Hollen & Victoria Nuland

May 19, 2024 View Original Article
  • Bias Rating

    10% Center

  • Reliability

    30% ReliableFair

  • Policy Leaning

    10% Center

  • Politician Portrayal

    -8% Negative

Bias Score Analysis

The A.I. bias rating includes policy and politician portrayal leanings based on the author’s tone found in the article using machine learning. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral.


Overall Sentiment

6% Positive

  •   Liberal
  •   Conservative
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Somewhat Liberal


Somewhat Conservative






Bias Meter

Contributing sentiments towards policy:

76% : What Donald Trump likes is a carnival-like atmosphere.
74% : You know, look, Donald Trump believes that by sort of creating this atmosphere of chaos, entertainment -- we saw him yesterday down with the NRA promising, you know, the gun lobby everything they wanted, you know, saying he was proud of the fact he didn't take action after kids were gunned down.
62% : For the first time in my life, he says, I can shoot into the territory of the Russian Federation.
62% : Donald Trump has accepted.
61% : Well, we know Donald Trump.
61% : Rather than getting into a debate about debates, you know, my understanding is Telemundo can partner with other, you know, ABC or CNN, as part of that night.
55% : How's that?RYAN (2012): You can - you can cut tax rates by 20 percent and still preserve these important preferences for middle class taxpayers.
55% : And, you know, Donald Trump gets up there two or three times a week and pontificates for 90minutes.
54% : And I think you know that I've opposed the death penalty during all of my life.
54% : And something that set Trump off is that President Biden formally exerted executive privilege over the audio of his interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.
53% : It's precisely what we're proposing.RYAN (2012): Jack Kennedy lowered tax rates, increased growth.
53% : And I think the American people know that they were better off, things were more affordable and the border was secure when Donald Trump was in the White House.
50% : Look, he has crisis-crossed this country, been to every battleground state, while Donald Trump is sitting in -- sitting in a courthouse trying to defend his -- his lifestyle and his record.
49% : You know, for Donald Trump, I think, it's basically a strategy of reality and real life.
48% : And so, what you're going to see is a policy put forth by Donald Trump that brings back economic success, affordability, a secured border, versus Joe Biden, which is more of the same, and the American people have clearly showed in the polls they don't like it.
48% : And - and right now polls show that Donald Trump is ahead of Biden in battleground states.
47% : He - he clearly - Donald Trump clearly thinks there's an advantage here, though, or he wouldn't have accepted.
46% : And then the even more immediate one is to what degree President Trump has immunity for his actions on January 6th.
45% : RADDATZ (voice over): Four years later, enter Donald Trump.
42% : Donald Trump, agent of chaos, somebody who's running for revenge and somebody who just said to a bunch of oil company executives the other day, give - give me $1 billion for my campaign and I'll give you everything you want.
40% : RADDATZ: President Biden and Donald Trump agree to two presidential debates.
38% : And I know you're going to say Donald Trump is almost that age.
37% : And next month, on June 27th, CNN will host Biden and Trump in the earliest general election debate in history.
37% : Clearly, it was done because they fear that Trump and his allies will use that tape selectively and pick out little bits and pieces.
34% : I think the American people need to see Donald Trump and Joe Biden side by side.
34% : SARAH ISGUR, 'THE DISPATCH' SENIOR EDITOR, FORMER TRUMP JUSTICE DEPARTMENT SPOKESPERSON & ABC NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think, believe it or not, this actually probably helps Donald Trump.
34% : So a few weeks ago I said on this show that I thought it was more likely than not that Trump would be convicted and that most of the problems with this case would actually be on appeal.
33% : Someone described it to him as political malpractice.
33% : This is very different dealing with Donald Trump.
31% : The second calmed down a bit, but he was calling Trump a clown, saying "shut up".
31% : They have not really shown much evidence that Donald Trump knew and that, if he knew, he did it for the purpose of concealing some other crime.
27% : And it's up to Biden in some ways to try to trigger Trump.
25% : They had to prove the business records were false, that Trump did it himself fraudulently, knew they were false, and that he did it for the purpose of concealing another crime.
23% : And when Donald Trump sticks to the policies, I think there is a stark difference between these two candidates.
22% : Donald Trump is offering more debates with Telemundo, vice presidential debate with HBCU.
22% : I mean, cutting off a mike is not what Donald Trump likes.
20% : I mean, I think the challenge is that many voters still don't seem entirely convinced that this election will be a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
19% : And -- and, Donna, despite how much Trump has complained about being in court this week -- it seems like weeks and weeks and weeks -- it really doesn't seem to have hurt him.
18% : I co-moderated one of the debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
17% : And you know, I think what Donald Trump is trying to do is goad Biden into participating in additional debates, specifically because they say that -- and this is true that Biden does have weaknesses when you look at certain minority communities.
16% : So where they right to -- was Joe Biden really right to want this debate right now and Donald Trump as well?SANGER:
15% : Donald Trump is all about revenge.
14% : And, you know, when Donald Trump is being a complete jerk, then I can understand the president of the United States, you know, responding and letting him know that's what he thinks.
14% : So, this could be seen, as Frank Fahrenkopf said, precarious for Donald Trump.LOTTER:
13% : So, look, you know, Donald Trump likes to talk trash, he always says he wants to do something and then doesn't.
12% : Well, I think - I think what you want to see, and I think what the Trump campaign wants to see is a direct comparison between Donald Trump and a clearly not up for primetime Joe Biden.
12% : Ginni Thomas was a person who had great misgivings and took actions regarding what she thought was a stolen election from Donald Trump.
10% : They are doing everything they can to set Trump off, knowing that their best move right now is to make Trump appear to be not ready to go back.
8% : DOUG BURGUM, (R-ND): The American people have already acquitted Donald Trump.
4% : And again the choice is going to be so clear this time between Joe Biden, somebody who's protecting democracy, and Donald Trump who wants to trash it.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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