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Social Media Safety – Media Literacy Requirements Review

By · Jun 6, 2024 · 2 min read

Social Media Safety – Media Literacy Requirements Review

There is considerable variation in the media literacy requirements for K-12 students across different U.S. states. The implementation of these standards can differ significantly, with some states mandating standalone courses dedicated to media literacy, while others weave media literacy components into existing subject curriculums.

These regulations are typically established through legislative action, where a bill is passed directing the state’s Department of Education to address media literacy. Then, the Department of Education creates standards that are reflected in the state’s education code, affecting the educational programs of all schools within that state.

Multiple states have media literacy requirements that add lessons on social media safety to the school curriculum. States that have added such requirements include Florida and Arizona

Social Media Saftey Education Requirements


A new law in Florida mandates instruction on social media safety and its social, emotional, and physical effects. In addition, the law restricts the usage of social media and phones while students are in school.

  • For grades 6–12, media literacy education includes a curriculum about understanding how social media platforms function.
  • The curriculum must cover:
  • The adverse impacts of social media on mental health, including addiction.
  • The spread of misinformation through social media.
  • The manipulation of behavior by social media.
  • The enduring nature of shared online content.
  • Strategies to maintain personal security and recognize cyberbullying, predatory behavior, and human trafficking on the internet.


Given the increasing pervasiveness of digital media, students in the 21st century are continuously exposed to an overwhelming amount of information. Among the myriad of content they encounter, a significant portion is made up of advertisements—with some experts estimating that a student is likely to be exposed to over two million advertisements throughout their lifetime.

Therefore, it is crucial to educate students on how to unpack these messages. Being media literate allows students to navigate the digital world with a more discerning eye, enabling them to make informed decisions, resist manipulation, and foster a healthier relationship with media. It is important to consider:

  • Students are exposed to an estimated 2 million advertisements throughout their lifetime.
  • The ability to unpack overt and covert messages in digital media is an essential skill in the 21st century.
  • Overt messages are the explicit meanings that advertisers aim to communicate.
  • Covert messages are the underlying, often subconscious meanings that can influence our attitudes and behaviors.
  • Media literacy enables students to navigate the digital world more discerningly, allowing them to make informed decisions, resist manipulation, and establish a healthier relationship with media.

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