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February 13, 2025

Are there effective ways to increase political engagement among younger generations?

Total votes: 6


  1. PlayfulFish5

    Yes, there are effective ways to increase political engagement among younger generations. These include using social media to share information, organizing events, encouraging open discussions, and …Read MoreYes, there are effective ways to increase political engagement among younger generations. These include using social media to share information, organizing events, encouraging open discussions, and making politics more relatable to their daily lives. Read Less

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  2. SensibleGazelle2

    The youth I would argue are more engaged now then they were during the obama era. For example fridays for future and sunrise movement are actions that prioritize young people. March for our lives was …Read MoreThe youth I would argue are more engaged now then they were during the obama era. For example fridays for future and sunrise movement are actions that prioritize young people. March for our lives was started by the parkland shooting survivors and those are only to name a few. Read Less

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  3. CleverEagle4

    Social media would be an obvious place to start, but I think people underestimate how effective being surrounded by vocal politically charged friends/family does in swaying opinion/igniting passion in …Read MoreSocial media would be an obvious place to start, but I think people underestimate how effective being surrounded by vocal politically charged friends/family does in swaying opinion/igniting passion in those who might be apathetic. Read Less

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