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October 12, 2024

Do you think that a global health passport for vaccinations would facilitate safer international travel?

Total votes: 4


  1. PatientSeahorse6

    While I think that a health passport for vaccinations would create safer international travel for people, I do not know if I agree with it. Vaccinations are important for protecting everyone including …Read MoreWhile I think that a health passport for vaccinations would create safer international travel for people, I do not know if I agree with it. Vaccinations are important for protecting everyone including the people who cannot get them like children or immunocompromised people. The passport would help to let countries and governments know if those traveling are safe to enter to protect their populations. This makes me more inclined to agree with a health passport and that it creates safer travel. However, the implementation of a health passport and making people divulge that information does not sit correctly with me. As well as, it forces people to discuss reasons as to why they do not have certain vaccines and why if it is a medical reason. Read Less

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  2. LuckyDeer2

    Perhaps, but no country would go along with it. The subject of vaccination is just as personal to some people as reproductive rights. Therefore, to ask people their vaccination would be deeply …Read MorePerhaps, but no country would go along with it. The subject of vaccination is just as personal to some people as reproductive rights. Therefore, to ask people their vaccination would be deeply intrusive upon the privacy of individuals. Read Less

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