Transportation is making large strides in the opportunities and the challenges of developing and using autonomous transportation. Governments should look into rules and regulations in making sure that …Read MoreTransportation is making large strides in the opportunities and the challenges of developing and using autonomous transportation. Governments should look into rules and regulations in making sure that there are consumer protections in autonomous transportation since the vehicles might not have a person in them. As well as the required testing and rules in making sure these vehicles have been thoroughly tested in making sure that they are safe and secure.Read Less
Transportation is making large strides in the opportunities and the challenges of developing and using autonomous transportation. Governments should look into rules and regulations in making sure that …Read MoreTransportation is making large strides in the opportunities and the challenges of developing and using autonomous transportation. Governments should look into rules and regulations in making sure that there are consumer protections in autonomous transportation since the vehicles might not have a person in them. As well as the required testing and rules in making sure these vehicles have been thoroughly tested in making sure that they are safe and secure. Read Less