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October 7, 2024

Is it necessary for social media platforms to create features that encourage offline interactions?

Total votes: 5


  1. FunnyDuck2

    Yes, because we are moving towards mostly online interactions. Although, I cannot seem to understand how that would work being that social media is still an online presence.

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  2. LuckyDeer2

    Yes, as much as I love social media and technology, admittedly it occasionally is addictive. If we become too enthralled in social media likes, interactions, etc. we lose the very thing that makes us …Read MoreYes, as much as I love social media and technology, admittedly it occasionally is addictive. If we become too enthralled in social media likes, interactions, etc. we lose the very thing that makes us human. Tik Tok does a good job at this by capping the amount of tik toks you can like if you are on the app for too long. I believe a similar mechanic could be implemented across all social media apps. To be fair, that may already be the case but I do not know. The only app I’m on for too long is TikTok haha. Read Less

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  3. PatientSeahorse6

    I think that social media platforms could create more features for encouraging offline interactions. Technology and social media is something that lots of young people use and rely on when messaging, …Read MoreI think that social media platforms could create more features for encouraging offline interactions. Technology and social media is something that lots of young people use and rely on when messaging, connecting, or meeting people. Because it is something that lots of people use to connect to friends and family I do not think features for offline interactions are something that should be required but would be beneficial. Social media can be addictive but bolster social interaction thus the features could continue that trend. Read Less

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  4. PlayfulMagpie

    For me, this is a mixed opinion because I feel like there are already a lot of ways for social media platforms to interact offline. With that in mind, I feel like people are using their social media …Read MoreFor me, this is a mixed opinion because I feel like there are already a lot of ways for social media platforms to interact offline. With that in mind, I feel like people are using their social media to interact offline, but if it’s a matter of encouraging more of that in the event of a problem with the internet or system, than I don’t see the harm in encouraging it. For me, this is a question that I don’t fully see the absolute necessity of. Read Less

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  5. PatientZebra4

    I don’t know how exactly this would work. While as a society our interactions have grown increasingly online and it perhaps may not be the most healthy, I don’t necessarily know how much social media …Read MoreI don’t know how exactly this would work. While as a society our interactions have grown increasingly online and it perhaps may not be the most healthy, I don’t necessarily know how much social media platforms can enforce this as people will always find a way around it. Is it really the responsibility of social media platforms to ensure that offline interactions happen? I think that it isn’t fair to pin the blame wholly on them when we as a society probably also play a role in this issue Read Less

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