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June 14, 2024

Should all governments have policies to ensure diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

Total votes: 13


  1. pool

    There are both philosophical and practical benefits to having people of various backgrounds and beliefs working together. The threat of echo chambers is lessened, people expand their knowledge, and a …Read MoreThere are both philosophical and practical benefits to having people of various backgrounds and beliefs working together. The threat of echo chambers is lessened, people expand their knowledge, and a wider audience can be catered to. However, many of the policies to “ensure” diversity are not fleshed out and instead act as limiting quotas that compromise quality instead of incentives. Read Less

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  2. CleverHalibut

    Some policies to ensure there is diversity of some magnitude would likely lead to a positive outcome overall, this is not to say that there should be a quota system put in place. Quota systems have …Read MoreSome policies to ensure there is diversity of some magnitude would likely lead to a positive outcome overall, this is not to say that there should be a quota system put in place. Quota systems have been proven to fail in the past. However, ensuring that there is at least some diversity, even if minimal would help achieve a more balanced workplace. Read Less

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  3. SincereCow2

    Governments should enact policies that promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. In general, a more diverse and inclusive government would be more representative of the people they serve than …Read MoreGovernments should enact policies that promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. In general, a more diverse and inclusive government would be more representative of the people they serve than a government which reflects the few as has been the case historically, especially in the U.S.. Promoting diversity and inclusion is a positive way to bring new minds to government which constantly needs to improve. Read Less

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  4. CleverTiger3

    To some extent, I think that governments should implement these policies. When people feel safer, the workplace is typically more productive. Additionally, a diverse workspace allows people to be …Read MoreTo some extent, I think that governments should implement these policies. When people feel safer, the workplace is typically more productive. Additionally, a diverse workspace allows people to be culturally aware and learn from each other. Read Less

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  5. CalmElk

    I believe that implementing these policies would import be the overall feeling over safety for minority groups at the work place which would benefit everyone. These policies would also encourage more …Read MoreI believe that implementing these policies would import be the overall feeling over safety for minority groups at the work place which would benefit everyone. These policies would also encourage more diverse applicants and result in a more diverse community where different perspectives can be shared. Read Less

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  6. HappySpider4

    Promoting diversity in the workplace and ensuring everyone feels safe at work should be a priority for the government. It will likely make people of diverse backgrounds feel more comfortable applying …Read MorePromoting diversity in the workplace and ensuring everyone feels safe at work should be a priority for the government. It will likely make people of diverse backgrounds feel more comfortable applying for positions and joining work environments they feel are supportive. This will lead people to do their best work. Read Less

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  7. WittyDeer4

    Yes, diversity is very important especially in the workplace to ensure there are many different perspectives being heard and factored into decisions. I see no downside to implementing diversity.

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  8. GenerousButterfly2

    Yes, it’s hard to see a view where this will be detrimental to company performance. Even if there’s a group of people with the highest IQs in the world, a more diverse group in all metrics of …Read MoreYes, it’s hard to see a view where this will be detrimental to company performance. Even if there’s a group of people with the highest IQs in the world, a more diverse group in all metrics of diversity may still beat them at completing a given task as they would be able to see things in different ways. Just having one mode of thinking is extremely dangerous. Read Less

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  9. SensibleHalibut1

    I think it is important to improve the diversity in the workforces. Trying to make the workplace more inclusive and safe for all genders.

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  10. BraveZebra5

    Are we assuming that this is a federally mandated policy? Hard to see how something like that could be enforced.

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  11. CuriousPanda2

    This is a contentious issue because, while diversity and inclusion is important, it should also not overrule merit, especially in the federal government. We need to ensure that trained professionals …Read MoreThis is a contentious issue because, while diversity and inclusion is important, it should also not overrule merit, especially in the federal government. We need to ensure that trained professionals are given jobs appropriate to their specialty so that the government effectively fulfills its duties to its citizens. Diversity should be considered, but not placed at a higher priority than skillset or experience. Read Less

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    1 Replies
    1. FearlessHusky1

      But that is exactly the problem. People are not being hired because of their merits. It has been studied and proved that employers tend to prefer white people.
      “More than 90 percent of the Black
      …Read MoreBut that is exactly the problem. People are not being hired because of their merits. It has been studied and proved that employers tend to prefer white people.
      “More than 90 percent of the Black labor force has a high school diploma or higher level of educational attainment, but White high school dropouts tend to have an equal or better chance than the average Black person in finding employment.”
       Read Less

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