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March 16, 2024

Should mental health education be part of the standard school curriculum?

Total votes: 7


  1. Ruba Al-baddawi

    In our modern world depression and mental illnesses have increased massively so it is necessary for kids to learn how to deal with the different types of pressure in this world.

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  2. FearlessHusky1

    Mental health is a topic that is broached at schools, through class activities, assigned readings, workshops and lectures. However I think these efforts need to be more established and articulated in …Read MoreMental health is a topic that is broached at schools, through class activities, assigned readings, workshops and lectures. However I think these efforts need to be more established and articulated in the standard school curriculum as to systematize the teaching/learning of this topic and spark regular discussions and reflections. Some schools do have their own mental health programs to varied degrees of success, but it should not be something purely internal or a benefit to a handful of schools. Mental health education needs to be at nationwide level and including it in the standard school curriculum is a necessary step.
    (Although it means more work for already burned-out teachers D:)
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  3. ramonatodd

    Yes, mental health is more relevant than ever in the current day. It is important for students to have more understanding and awareness of their own habits, daily activities, etc, and how these are …Read MoreYes, mental health is more relevant than ever in the current day. It is important for students to have more understanding and awareness of their own habits, daily activities, etc, and how these are affecting their mental heath daily, without having to pay for therapy they might have not needed that much. Read Less

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  4. SEM99

    I think mental health has long been treated as a taboo issue where people keep it private. This shouldn’t be the case. A lot of people struggle with mental health but aren’t aware of it and don’t know …Read MoreI think mental health has long been treated as a taboo issue where people keep it private. This shouldn’t be the case. A lot of people struggle with mental health but aren’t aware of it and don’t know the resources that could help them. Mental health should be part of the standard school curriculum. Read Less

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  5. CuriousPanda2

    It would not be difficult to implement mental health education with other curriculum, such as integrating it into the average health class. School takes time to focus primarily on physical wellbeing …Read MoreIt would not be difficult to implement mental health education with other curriculum, such as integrating it into the average health class. School takes time to focus primarily on physical wellbeing and can stand to reallocate some of those hours to discussing ways to protect one’s mental health as well. This is especially important because mental health issues are becoming increasingly common among the youth. Students should know how to prioritize themselves and be on the lookout for potential warning signs others may be expressing. Read Less

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  6. CheerfulMagpie

    Mental health education could go a long way in saving lives and increasing the quality of life amongst our fellow Americans. It would be relatively easy and affordable to implement as well. Mental …Read MoreMental health education could go a long way in saving lives and increasing the quality of life amongst our fellow Americans. It would be relatively easy and affordable to implement as well. Mental health needs to be taught in our nation’s education system so that it becomes destigmatized and normalized in society. Read Less

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