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June 28, 2024

Should the international community prioritize the eradication of extreme poverty as a key goal?

Total votes: 7


  1. FearlessHusky1

    Maybe? I mean, it is already one of the key goals of the UN. But I think this requires a deep conversation on how we define poverty and extreme poverty.
    That aside, I think we should prioritize
    …Read MoreMaybe? I mean, it is already one of the key goals of the UN. But I think this requires a deep conversation on how we define poverty and extreme poverty.
    That aside, I think we should prioritize ending active armed conflicts in all continents. Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine has been on the news a lot, but there are tons of armed conflicts in other countries that historically received less media coverage (like Africa). And these conflicts not only creates poverty and unsafe environments, but they mean that thousands of citizen’s lives are always at risk.
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  2. CuriousPanda2

    The international community should absolutely focus on the eradication of extreme poverty as a key goal. That being said, there are a variety of factors that contribute to poverty. A lack of strict …Read MoreThe international community should absolutely focus on the eradication of extreme poverty as a key goal. That being said, there are a variety of factors that contribute to poverty. A lack of strict labor laws in certain countries, expensive education, rising prices, local/international conflict, etc., create conditions for poverty. However, as mentioned by the previous commenter, “extreme poverty” would need to be defined. Poverty exists in every nation, but the international community would need to create firmer definitions and create an extensive agenda that prioritizes the many underlying causes. While this may sound like wishful thinking, it doesn’t diminish the importance of the issue. Read Less

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  3. pool

    If poverty were simply a money problem, it could have already been solved. Often, it is caused and influenced by complex sociopolitical issues. Poverty alleviation should be a goal, but a simple “let …Read MoreIf poverty were simply a money problem, it could have already been solved. Often, it is caused and influenced by complex sociopolitical issues. Poverty alleviation should be a goal, but a simple “let’s give unlimited money” may do more harm than good. Read Less

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  4. GraciousPolar Bear4

    Yes– doing so would save millions of lives and allow us to put our efforts and resources into something truly meaningful. Considering we do have the resources to treat poverty– when those resources …Read MoreYes– doing so would save millions of lives and allow us to put our efforts and resources into something truly meaningful. Considering we do have the resources to treat poverty– when those resources are used correctly– it’s worth exploring this option. Read Less

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