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Daily Poll

September 15, 2024

Should there be a global initiative to increase literacy rates in underdeveloped countries?

Total votes: 2


  1. FunnyDuck2

    Yes, I can only see good and beneficial things that would happen of this was done on a global scale.

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  2. LuckyDeer2

    Depends on the cost because as harsh as it sounds, the United States must see to caring for its people first and any amount of funds that go overseas must be justified. If it is in the hundreds of …Read MoreDepends on the cost because as harsh as it sounds, the United States must see to caring for its people first and any amount of funds that go overseas must be justified. If it is in the hundreds of billions I would say absolutely not. That would be outrageous and unfair to poor Americans. However, if the cost was somewhere in the single digit billions or even tens of billions, I believe a case could be made for the plan in Congress. Read Less

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