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October 20, 2024

Should there be a worldwide standard for the ethical use of personal data in research?

Total votes: 12


  1. PatientSeahorse6

    If personal data is going to be used in research then there should be a worldwide standard for ethics. Personal data should be protected and not exploited if it is going to be used in research should …Read MoreIf personal data is going to be used in research then there should be a worldwide standard for ethics. Personal data should be protected and not exploited if it is going to be used in research should ethics should be applied to protect people. Ethics will help to prevent this data from getting out or being sold to others for usage that was not permitted. Ethics make sure that everyone is fine with how the data is being handled. Read Less

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  2. LuckyDeer2

    No, however there should be a standard domestically and there is. The institutional review boards serve as systems of ethical checks and balances. Further, our Western concept of what is ethical may …Read MoreNo, however there should be a standard domestically and there is. The institutional review boards serve as systems of ethical checks and balances. Further, our Western concept of what is ethical may differ from other countries. However, we should pressure countries through diplomacy and other soft power to engage in research that is conducive to the conversation. Read Less

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