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August 20, 2024

Should there be an international standard for emergency response times in urban areas?

Total votes: 6


  1. CleverHalibut

    While this would be ideal, as faster emergency response times will likely save lives, many other variables affect the possibility of a universal standard. For example, there are large differences in …Read MoreWhile this would be ideal, as faster emergency response times will likely save lives, many other variables affect the possibility of a universal standard. For example, there are large differences in the structure in urban areas around the world, a sprawling city such as Los Angeles versus a compacted city such as Amsterdam are likely to have different possible response times. Read Less

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  2. PlayfulMagpie

    For me, I say we should. This kind of action would be extraordinarily beneficial and useful for many people as it can help save more likes and provide a safer feeling environment. It’s especially …Read MoreFor me, I say we should. This kind of action would be extraordinarily beneficial and useful for many people as it can help save more likes and provide a safer feeling environment. It’s especially relevant in Urban areas where crime and injury are statistically higher than in rural areas. Now the question will be how to pull it off and that would be a discussion worth having, especially considering Urban areas are less trusting of emergency services that others. But in answering the question, I feel it is necessary for an International Standard for emergency response times to be in effect in Urban areas. Read Less

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  3. HappyMountain Lion1

    This seems like it should be context-dependent. For smaller cities, response times may be faster due to lessened load on emergency services. Perhaps a response time tied to population size could …Read MoreThis seems like it should be context-dependent. For smaller cities, response times may be faster due to lessened load on emergency services. Perhaps a response time tied to population size could provide the same standard but with a more sensible metric Read Less

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  4. LuckyDeer2

    No, because standards in mega-cities like Shanghai may not be possible to meet when compared to smaller cities like Toronto. The geographic location and financial situation of cities further …Read MoreNo, because standards in mega-cities like Shanghai may not be possible to meet when compared to smaller cities like Toronto. The geographic location and financial situation of cities further complicates this issue. Read Less

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  5. WittyDeer4

    It seems like it would be a good idea but hard to know if it could actually work as you would have to account for the differences in resources and infrastructure each nation has.

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  6. FunnyDuck2

    This sounds like a good plan, however, not all nations have similar resources. Especially in developing countries, this would be difficult because the population density is very high and the …Read MoreThis sounds like a good plan, however, not all nations have similar resources. Especially in developing countries, this would be difficult because the population density is very high and the facilities are not as quality. Read Less

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