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January 27, 2025

Should urban planning policies prioritize the development of green spaces to improve public health?

Total votes: 8


  1. SensibleGazelle2

    Urban Planning Policies should prioritize the preservation of greens spaces where they already exist and developing active greenspaces elsewhere. I said maybe because greenspaces should be intentional …Read MoreUrban Planning Policies should prioritize the preservation of greens spaces where they already exist and developing active greenspaces elsewhere. I said maybe because greenspaces should be intentional and active, in other words they should be able to be interactive as community gardens, community spaces, green roofs and not simply aesthetics that are seen and not too be touched. Urban planning should prioritize working with green spaces & native vegetation that emphasizes what is already there and not what looks the best. Read Less

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  2. CleverEagle4

    Yes, with the intention that the green space is built to improve health and not just as a visual commodity to the area.

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  3. SillyZebra3

    Yes, because this will promote a healthier and more sustainable environment. However, it should be done with the intention of improving public health.

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