Hosting Netanyahus, Trump warns of 'major Mideast wars, maybe WW3,' if he doesn't win

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    10% Center

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    50% ReliableFair

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    10% Center

  • Politician Portrayal

    -8% Negative

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Contributing sentiments towards policy:

82% : Trump sent the letter back to Abbas with a note thanking him and assuring him that all would be good.
80% : Trump and Netanyahu then locked hands and the former president pulled the prime minister in for somewhat of a bro-hug while saying, "Let's get a good, a beautiful picture.
80% : "Trump reiterated that he and Netanyahu have had a good relationship, and added: "I was very good to Israel, better than any president's ever been.
80% : Hours before the meeting, an Israeli official revealed that the prime minister had called Trump on July 4 to wish him a happy US Independence Day, apparently the first time the two had spoken since Trump's presidency ended in January 2021.
74% : At the sit-down, Trump claimed he has "always had a very good relationship" with Netanyahu.
69% : Trump said the hostages "have to be given back immediately, because there can be no way that they are in good shape.
68% : "It was the greatest dinner I've ever had," said Trump, presumably referencing a previous meal they shared while he was president.
63% : For Trump, the meeting could cast him as an ally and statesman, as well as sharpen efforts by Republicans to portray themselves as the party most loyal to Israel.
58% : Former US president Donald Trump warmly welcomed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on Friday for their first meeting since their ties very publicly soured after Trump failed to win re-election in 2020.
55% : "We'll get that taken care of," Trump responded, as they posed together.
55% : "I appreciated that," Trump told Fox.
53% : "The Netanyahus stood on either side of Trump, who smiled and gave his trademark thumbs-up to assembled photographers.
50% : Come on in, come on in," Trump said as Netanyahu and his wife Sara walked up the steps of the Mar-a-Lago entrance.
48% : With cameras rolling and flashing, the two men sought to repair what had been seen as one of the closest relationships between leaders when they were in office, now that Trump is once again the Republican presidential nominee three months out from a new election.
47% : "We've missed you," said Sara as she and Trump exchanged kisses.
47% : But that's up to them," Trump said.
46% : Trump told Fox News on Thursday that he was pleased by Netanyahu's praise for him in the Wednesday address to Congress, but he added that the war against Hamas in Gaza must end soon.
46% : You gotta get it done quickly, because they are getting decimated with this publicity," Trump said in Thursday's interview.
42% : Trump wrote Netanyahu off, telling Israeli reporter Barak Ravid, "F**k him" in an interview months later.
41% : Netanyahu and Trump last met at the September 2020 White House signing of the Abraham Accords, in which the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain agreed to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.
40% : In his speech, Netanyahu listed actions by the Trump administration long-sought by Israeli governments, such as the US officially saying Israel had sovereignty over the Golan Heights, captured from Syria during a 1967 war; a tougher US policy toward Iran; and Trump declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel, breaking with longstanding US policy that Jerusalem's status should be decided in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
39% : Netanyahu's office separately released a clip from inside the resort of the premier presenting Trump with a picture of 4-year-old hostage Ariel Bibas, who was kidnapped by Hamas along with his parents and baby brother from Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7.
35% : One political gamble for Netanyahu is whether he could achieve more of his goals regarding Gaza, and in his much hoped-for closing of a normalization deal with Saudi Arabia, if he waits out the Biden administration in hopes that Trump wins.
34% : Netanyahu was heard telling Trump that Ariel's grandfather asked him to give the former president the picture.
34% : The vice president made a point of reading out the names of all eight American-Israel hostages still held captive by Hamas -- something no other US official has done.PM says he'll send negotiators to RomeIn his comments alongside Trump, Netanyahu said he hoped his US trip would lead to a quicker hostage and ceasefire deal.
34% : Trump concluded: "You are closer to a third world war right now than at any time since the Second World War.
34% : The former US president has also accused Netanyahu of failing to cooperate in the 2020 assassination of top Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, which Trump had ordered.
33% : "With that, Trump ended the public section of the sit-down.
30% : "Trump also charged that the world would see "major wars in the Middle East and maybe a third world war" if he didn't win the election.
28% : On July 17 -- before Friday's meeting was announced -- the Axios news site reported that Netanyahu's aides were hopeful that Trump and Netanyahu would mend fences, after Trump reposted Netanyahu's video condemning the July 13 assassination attempt on the former US president.
25% : ""Now she's taken over," Trump said, referring to Harris, "and she's worse than him.""If we win, it'll be very simple.
24% : In interview excerpts released in 2021, Trump said he believed that Abbas "wanted to make a deal more than Netanyahu.
23% : Trump denounces Harris's comments on GazaTrump and Netanyahu held their formal sit-down in a poorly lit dining room, with reporters briefly allowed inside before it started.
19% : The premier's relationship with Trump soured when Netanyahu congratulated Biden for winning the 2020 election, which Trump falsely denies losing.
16% : Hours after announcing his meeting with Netanyahu, Trump published a letter he had received from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, in which the latter expressed his outrage over the assassination attempt on the former president and wished him well.
6% : At their talks, also attended by Sara Netanyahu, Trump declared that he could not understand how Jews could vote for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, referring to remarks she made on Thursday after she met with Netanyahu regarding the suffering of Gazans that Trump called "disrespectful to Israel.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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