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Jack Healy Journalist Rating
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Author Rating
This rating is determined by our analysts after reviewing the author's social media profiles, articles, and other written information found on the internet. Each article includes a different rating from one of our analysts, and these have been averaged to create a composite average score.
-38% Somewhat Liberal
Analyst Bias Rating
The is a composite average bias score of the articles found in the table below, as defined by our analysts using our proprietary rating methodology.
-12% Somewhat Liberal
A.I. Bias Rating
The is a composite average bias score of the articles found in the table below, as defined by our A.I. computer algorithms.
-0% Center
Fact Analysis Score
The Fact Analysis Score focuses more on the accuracy of claims, facts, and sources presented in the article and any hints of selection and omission bias.
100% ReliableExcellent
Source Analysis Score
The Source Analysis Score focuses on assessing the quality of sources and quotes used including their number, lengths, uniqueness, and diversity.
55% ReliableFair
Overall Reliability
The overall reliability is a weighted average score of the fact analysis and source reliability scores, which indicates how reliable a journalist might be.
91% ReliableExcellent
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