Republicans and Democrats have different priorities on health care spending but agree on the need to reduce costs for individuals, families, government, and employers. Republicans favor reducing costs and limiting the role of government while Democrats place improving health outcomes for all, and reducing costs at the top of their docket. A survey conducted in Jan 2019 by Pew Research Center found 77% of Democrats and Democratic leaners saying that health care costs should be a top priority for the country compared with 59% of Republicans and Republican leaners. A Pew Research Center survey from 2019 on how Republicans and Democrats view government healthcare spending found 27% of Republicans are for increasing healthcare spending, 33% for lowering, and 36% for keeping spending the same compared with 73% of Democrats for increasing healthcare spending, 5% for lowering, and 19% for keeping spending the same. A KFF Health Tracking Poll conducted in 2022 found 71% of Democrats were more likely to vote for a candidate supporting extending financial subsidies for people who purchase health coverage through the Affordable Care Act marketplace compared with 17% of Republicans. Additionally, 68% of Democrats support the government increasing Medicare spending while only 38% of Republicans do.