The Israel-Palestine Conflict is one with political, economic, and religious roots. While both Palestine and Israel claim the same area of land by way of religious legitimacy, Israel is the country that currently holds power in the region. While it is heavily influenced by the religious affiliations of the two groups, the impact of outside nations and their political parties, like the United States with Democrats and Republicans, must be examined. Republicans and those who lean more conservative express greater levels of attachment to Israel than do Jewish Democrats and those who lean Democratic. More specifically, 77% of Republicans support Israel over Palestine, while 40% of Democrats support Israel. So, both Democrats and Republicans support Israel, however, a larger percentage of Republicans support Israel than do the Democrats. This stance with Israel by the Republican party is even seen on the Senate floor by Mitch McConnell, who said that: “[He]has been proud to stand with Israel for years, and [he]is proud to stand with Israel today.
Additionally, polls show that 50% of Republicans affirm the state of Israel and oppose the rise of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement while only 20% of Democrats are against it.
A majority in both parties view Israel favorably. One Gallup poll reports that 83% of Republicans and 64% of Democrats, along with 72% of independents hold positive views about Israel.