Hiding Kamala: No Press Conferences 10 Days After Announcing Presidential Run
Although they are correct about her not having a press conference, this news is presented negatively. They try to tie her to the actions Joe Biden has done in the past. Additionally, saying she is hiding is a negative sentiment. In a busy campaign schedule, press conferences may have become an afterthought for her. Even with this possibility, the article offers no room for a reason as to why she has not talked to the press. They include commentary from someone who says she is hiding from the press. It is not fair to report such news with negative commentary that does not give the other side a chance to explain themselves.

The Ridiculous Moral Panic Over The Olympics’ Opening Ceremony
This article, beginning from the headline, "The Ridiculous Moral Panic Over The Olympics’ Opening Ceremony." is negative. To begin with, it is not without reason that this event caused so much backlash. People have different values and calling it "ridiculous" is a biased and has a negative approach. It completely disregards the other sides value. There could have been more respectful ways to go about it. Even the last statement, "After all, the outrage only shows just how limited in scope their imaginations are." The overall article has a negative and a not so respectful tone. It is very evident that the author has a bias towards conservatives and most statements do not seem to have factual evidences to support them.
The Biden-Harris plan to wreck the Supreme Court is the REAL threat to America’s democratic system
This is troubling right off the bat from the title which identifies a clear stance and uses capitalization in "REAL" to catch a reader's attention and be drawn in. Throughout the article the author destroys the Democratic Party using very negative language and phrases such as "sick political nature", "cynical push", "Their sock puppets in the media", etc.
The ridiculous moral panic over the Olympics’ opening ceremony
This is troubling news because it ignores the concerns and upsetting nature of the opening ceremony among many viewers. Everyone is entitled to their interpretation of those scenes. Instead of respectfully rejecting the other side's view, the author lays into conservatives with strong language. Saying things like conservatives are not known as tolerant is not appropriate to say in news reporting and shows obvious bias.
Trump’s move to the center is stunningly transparent
This article does not hide the fact that they are opposed to Trump and his policies. This article says that Trump realized abortion and same-sex marriage were some of the party's weakest points. Therefore, according to the author, he softened his stance despite having no intention of following through. Additionally, it was said that the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was "disastrous on many levels," highlighting the clear conservative stance on the issue. Jill said that this attempt to be more moderate seems like a lie, not even attempting to hide the fact that she is anti-Trump and pro-choice. She portrays republican officials as only caring about re-election and knowing what they have to say to do so. He was labeled as untrustworthy, and overall, this piece is highly biased.
Celeb-led ‘White Women for Kamala’ is cringe city
This article is incredibly biased and makes many assumptions without evidence to back it up. It is clearly an opinion piece and could easily lead to misinformation. From the title alone, the reader already knows the stance of the author and is biased from the start of the article.
Biden’s former communications director: Trump wasn’t saying ‘there will be no more elections
This article takes every chance it gets to denigrate Donald Trump. It presents quotes from Democrats in a positive light and quotes from Republicans in a negative light.
Biden’s former communications director: Trump wasn’t saying ‘there will be no more elections
This article takes every chance it gets to denigrate Donald Trump. It presents quotes from Democrats in a positive light and quotes from Republicans in a negative light.
Biden’s former communications director: Trump wasn’t saying ‘there will be no more elections
This article takes every chance it gets to denigrate Donald Trump. It presents quotes from Democrats in a positive light and quotes from Republicans in a negative light.
Biden’s former communications director: Trump wasn’t saying ‘there will be no more elections
This article takes every chance it gets to denigrate Donald Trump. It presents quotes from Democrats in a positive light and quotes from Republicans in a negative light.
Biden unveils radical plan to overhaul Supreme Court — but one major question throws a wrench in his narrative
Parts of the article display clear bias toward conservatives and overhype sentiments that politicians and voters have commonly shared for the past few years. For example, the author sees term limits on justices as radical. They are currently unconstitutional because the amendment has not been changed. The author tries to imply that Biden will swiftly sign executive orders to change this rather than go through the amendment process, which he is trying to advocate for. Finally, the author attempts to tie these changes to the current policy state of America and recent court cases. This is yet again misleading as possible bribes and court instability have raised these questions more than rulings the justices have given.
Biden unveils radical plan to overhaul Supreme Court — but one major question throws a wrench in his narrative
Parts of the article display clear bias toward conservatives and overhype sentiments that politicians and voters have commonly shared for the past few years. For example, the author sees term limits on justices as radical. They are currently unconstitutional because the amendment has not been changed. The author tries to imply that Biden will swiftly sign executive orders to change this rather than go through the amendment process, which he is trying to advocate for. Finally, the author attempts to tie these changes to the current policy state of America and recent court cases. This is yet again misleading as possible bribes and court instability have raised these questions more than rulings the justices have given.