Why Biden’s Eager to Debate Trump
Overall, the piece was stated to be an opinion piece, meaning it is rife with bias and misinformation and misleading information. A statement about Trump said that he refused some debates at one time "hoping to make them seem beneath him" which is just conjecture and an assumption about Trump's intentions. Another assumption made is that Biden is "feeling more pressure to perform" as that is again something that cannot be known unless Biden says so directly about himself. Also, throughout the article, there were no outside sources or other supporting evidence, meaning it likely does not capture the entire picture.

France Sends Combat Troops To Ukraine Battlefront
The entirety of the article is false and is based on false premises. While it is true that France is reportedly mulling sending troops into Ukraine to support their ongoing fight against Russia, such action has not yet occurred in any capacity. The French Foreign Ministry took to the social media platform 'X' to highlight the claim as disinformation, yet the news source in the link clearly has not taken the time to fact check themselves and did not bother deleting the article. The misinformation stems from a blog post by a former deputy undersecretary for the DoD.
Joe Biden says he is not sure he’d be running for president if Donald Trump wasn’t in the race
It claims that Trump and his supporter violently attempted to overturn the 2020 election results, clear liberal bias. It only paints Trump negatively while painting Biden positively.
Tolerance for Me, But Not for Thee! ‘Hateful’ Conservative Man on ABC’s ‘Station19’ Needs Rescuing by Gay Liberal Sister
This article is extremely biased to a concerning amount. It has a clear conservative bias (which is easy to tell given the source) that is taken to extreme measures. In the title, placing the word "hateful" in between air quotes emphasizes how the author does not believe the man is being actually hateful. Additionally, by referring to the character as a "gay sister" is very telling; she cannot be just his sister, but must be followed by the adjective "gay."
Hold On to Your Hats, America
Had moments where they mentioned things that they didn't know if they would be true or not. They should take the time to confirm details.
DeSantis panders to ranchers with Florida’s lab-grown meat ban. It’s bad economics.
First of all, it is an opinion piece, meaning there will be controversy. However, the most troubling part is that even though there is truth within this article, we are not giving a full and clear picture of surrounding circumstances and context, meaning this article was formed to get the reader to a certain already determined conclusion, instead of neutrally presenting facts and allowing the reader to come to their own conclusion based on the information.
GOP lawmaker files resolution to censure Rep. Ilhan Omar over Jewish student comment
The article claims that Omar is antisemitic by calling "some U.S. Jewish college students were “pro-genocide.”" and that she is promoting and perpetuating this hatred. However the full quote is: “I think it is really unfortunate that people don’t care about the fact that all Jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should not have to tolerate antisemitism or bigotry for all Jewish students, whether they are pro-genocide or anti-genocide,” The article is focusing on wording and diverting attention from the actual issue which is the war in Gaza. Pushing a false narrative of anti-semitism.
DNC Prepares for Violent Pro-Hamas Protests
The title is simply false, as the protests and demonstrations are Pro-Palestine and not pro-Hamas. The article wants people to believe that the people protesting are supporting terrorists, when in reality they are denouncing the thousands of civilians killed in this conflict between Israel and Palestine.
DNC Prepares for Violent Pro-Hamas Protests
The title is simply false, as the protests and demonstrations are Pro-Palestine and not pro-Hamas. The article wants people to believe that the people protesting are supporting terrorists, when in reality they are denouncing the thousands of civilians killed in this conflict between Israel and Palestine.
Cinco de Mayo
The article claims that Cinco de Mayo isn't celebrated in Mexico in the headline. It is misleading and not true. They talk about Mexican celebration of Cinco de Mayo in the same article.
NYPD bodycam video shows officers breaching Columbia University building taken over by anti-Israel protesters
This is concerning to me due to the clear bias displayed. Instead of recognizing the removal of students who were peacefully protesting, the author chooses to focus on the minute fact that some of the protesters were not students.
Radical Islamists Rally in Hamburg Calling for Caliphate in Germany
The title is misleading. The rally was not comprised of only radical/extremist people and the purpose was not advocate for a caliphate in Germany. That's just click-bait. The rally was a response to the rise of anti-Islamic portrayal in media outlets following the conflict in Gaza and the German support of Israel. The article barely mentions this issue and focuses mainly on trying to prove that the protesters are indeed Islamic extremist. While there are indeed extremist tendencies from a number of participants the main issue is the denouncing of the media portraying "all Muslims in Germany as radical Islamists." However the article makes it seem as if Muslims are trying to take over part of the country or something like that. I could not find this story in mainstream media outlets, which I found weird. And most articles covering this story have similar click-baity headlines. Plus, the information cited comes from only one media site.