White House claims Biden ‘did not apologize’ for using ‘illegal’ to describe Laken Riley’s alleged migrant killer
The title is very bait-y. The one-worded quotations seem quite mocking. The writer is not focused on delivering news, but rather focused on delivering entertainment or creating divide.

New report blasts government’s COVID response, warns of repeating same mistakes
Instead of focusing on how our former president failed to address the concern of COVID in a timely manner and lockdown our country, the article instead talks about social media and violence. I think that Fox News oftentimes fails to connect their article title to the actual content of the article. Instead of addressing the lack of mental health funding, the article and video instead blame social media on the rise of violence in children.
New report blasts government’s COVID response, warns of repeating same mistakes
Instead of focusing on how our former president failed to address the concern of COVID in a timely manner and lockdown our country, the article instead talks about social media and violence. I think that Fox News oftentimes fails to connect their article title to the actual content of the article. Instead of addressing the lack of mental health funding, the article and video instead blame social media on the rise of violence in children.
John Roberts Just Dropped the Hammer on Rogue, Lawless Trump Judges
This article is troubling because it does not provide a comprehensive explanation of a policy created by The Judicial Conference of the United States that is meant to restore the random assignment of court cases. The explanation that is provided contains left-leaning bias and frames Republicans in a negative light. For example, it is written: "Worse, a handful of Republican-appointed judges have made a habit of issuing sweeping decisions that apply nationwide—hobbling the federal government, short-circuiting the democratic process, and transferring inconceivable amounts of power into the hands of a few unelected jurists." The diction and tone are meant to inspire an emotional reaction among the readers, and there is a general lack of right-leaning perspectives in this piece. The information is also portrayed as fact, even though much of it is opinion.
At Abortion Clinic Visit, Harris Says U.S. Is Confronting ‘Health Care Crisis’
There are many reasons this particular article is troubling. The most concerning issue is that it only addresses the topic of abortion from a left-leaning perspective. Conservative views are almost entirely missing from this report. The diction used is also inflammatory, as it attempts to villainize Republican values and condemns many of their objectives. For example, the article concludes with: "The former president, she said, was “proud that women across our nation are suffering, proud that doctors and nurses could be thrown in prison for administering care.” The author portrays Harris in a positive, heroic light, while negatively framing Trump. This paints an unrealistic and one-sided outline of the discussion.
President Joe Biden, clearly in cognitive decline, can’t be making hard decisions
This whole article was written to discuss how Biden is in cognitive decline and is unable to do the job of the president. It becomes clear that the article is clearly against Biden when reading it. It describes the president as an "octogenarian with dementia". This statement is unfounded. The president's doctor has repeated said that Biden is capable of doing his job. The author provides no factual evidence that Biden is suffering from dementia. Upon further reading, you find more inaccuracies. It describes the Cabinet as being the actual leaders of the United States. It makes it sound as though Biden is just a ceremonial figurehead. Again, there is no evidence to support this. This article is plagued with a severe lack of trustworthy sources. There is no evidence to back up the claims being made. It would have been better if the author provided use of sources who believe that Biden is capable and sources who believe that he is incapable. The author could have then gathered these sources and written an article that allows the viewer to come to their own opinion about whether they have trust in Biden to be president. Currently, the writer is making this decision for you.
Ex White House doctor on Joe Biden’s ‘bad’ health: ‘This man can’t do the job’
The main source of this article is a well-known Republican doctor, who's name is not mentioned anywhere in the article. This shows concern for misinformation, mainly because the physician speaks highly of Donald Trump, and makes claims that negatively effect Joe Biden's reputation. Even if President Biden has some form of cognitive issues, no logical or examples facts are presented to back up the claims. I believe the physician could be lying in order to benefit the Republican party, just as easily as a more liberal standing doctor could claim Biden is in fit condition for another four years as a way to benefit the Democratic party.
Lack of information
This news is troubling because they failed to provide greater context to the reasoning behind why the U.S. did not send any military aid to Ukraine the past 3 months. The reason is because of Russia disagreement and threats made. Knowing this information can help readers gain a better understanding of the events and see the roll the US is playing. Without the extra context it makes it seem as though the U.S. has no specific grounds for helping Ukraine other than not to allow them to lose territory over Russia.
Aid ship for Gaza expected to depart Cyprus this weekend
The article mentions that the population is "on the brink of famine", but leaves out the fact that the population is being strategically starved by the Israeli government. The article also leaves out the fact that there have been many conflicts regarding Gaza's offshore gas reserves. This fact adds another layer to the proposed marine corridor which goes beyond simply sending aid to Palestinians in Gaza.
Biden stumbles over reporter’s ‘hacktastic question’ on using the word ‘illegal’ to describe ‘immigrants’
I feel that it is honestly unnecessary to report in this fashion, including phrases of the president stumbling over his words. It's not new, and everyone knows he has memory issues. The article uses biased language as well to traffic an audience.
George Santos says he’ll run for Congress again. Good luck getting on the ballot!
The author, David Nir, provides a biased perspective on the news of recently-expelled congressman George Santos announcing he's running for Congress again. The expediency bias in the title, "Good luck getting on the ballot!" shows liberal bias because the author laughs at Santos's plans. The tone makes it clear that the author does not like Santos and the last line captures it perfectly, "Well, if there's one thing Santos is familiar with, it's failing to hold up under scrutiny." An unbiased article wouldn't have these opinions regarding Santos, the tone would be neutral, and diction would simply stick to the facts at hand.
The Siren Song of the Orange Ape
This article covers the events of the State of the Union in a very biased way. From the title alone you can see that the article is going to be clearly anti-Trump. They call him an "Orange Ape". Once you delve into the article, you can see that the author uses more of these names. They call Marjorie Taylor Greene "Marge Trailer Park Greene". Further down, the author describes the Republicans as a bunch of middle schoolers and the Speaker Mike Johnson as a little man. They also say that those who don't learn the lessons of history are called Republicans. This article is worrisome because rather than focusing on Biden's speech and his message, the text is focused on being anti-Republican. To better cover the president's speech, they could have describe the facts in a nonpartisan way without adding their opinions or calling certain politicians names.