Robert Kennedy Jr. blames CIA for JFK assassination, fueling controversial claim
False narratives are spread everyday, there is no proof to justify any claims of CIA involvement. To believe this, similar to the 911 conspiracy theories, is ignorant.

Robert Kennedy Jr. blames CIA for JFK assassination, fueling controversial claim
False narratives are spread everyday, there is no proof to justify any claims of CIA involvement. To believe this, similar to the 911 conspiracy theories, is ignorant.
“The Border Deal Is a Bad Deal Regardless of Trump’s Opposition”
The article is full of obvious biases surrounding the conservative aim to stop immigration from Mexico on the Southern Border of the U.S.. There is almost no evidence supporting any of their claims, which all seem to be very against Biden or anything opposing the actions of the state of Texas. There are random claims about the January 6th incident and the article seems like a way to paint liberals as the enemy instead of just stating what is going on within Texas and the "scheme" that they claim the senate is up to.
New poll finds rampant mail-in voting fraud in the 2020 election
Multiple sources have confirmed that there was no systemic voter fraud in the 2020 election. The number of instances is minimal, and the election was held fairly. The article discusses how there was a high level of fraudulent voting. These claims are unfounded. It sets a dangerous precedent to spread lies about an election being plagued with these issues. It promotes distrust and causes division amongst Americans. This type of misinformation can be dangerous to our democracy.
North Korea says it tested a cruise missile, flaunting new nuclear-capable weapon
The title and article have heavy use of biased/charged wording to demonize North Korea. It primarily relies on North Korean state media (KCNA) and lacks independent verification or South Korean perspectives on the missile test's details and intentions. KCNA is known for its propaganda and exaggeration, making claims about the missile's capabilities and threat level suspect. South Korean officials offer a different view, suggesting the test aimed at improving existing systems rather than showcasing a new weapon. The report mentions tensions between the US and South Korea but doesn't adequately analyze how this test fits into the larger geopolitical picture. The report lacks expert opinions or analysis beyond brief quotes, making it difficult to assess the test's true significance and implications. Therefore, while the report details North Korea's claims and actions, it lacks the necessary objectivity and depth to be considered a fully credible source of information. Readers should be cautious and seek out additional perspectives before concluding.
“Visiting the Most Important Company in the World”
First, I noticed the title and the fact that it is on an opinion piece. This claim written into the title is something that should be subjective to each country, and not used as an overgeneralization pertaining to "all companies throughout the world." It is misleading. Sure, it can be seen as witty, but I don't think it adds to the piece well. The lead isn't too bad at explaining the claim in short. However, it''s a no brainer that this company isn't -actually- the most important company in the world, because world events could change in a second, and one cannot base a claim on something malleable that could change tomorrow. I would have liked to see a different title on this one.
“Visiting the Most Important Company in the World”
First, I noticed the title and the fact that it is on an opinion piece. This claim written into the title is something that should be subjective to each country, and not used as an overgeneralization pertaining to "all companies throughout the world." It is misleading. Sure, it can be seen as witty, but I don't think it adds to the piece well. The lead isn't too bad at explaining the claim in short. However, it''s a no brainer that this company isn't -actually- the most important company in the world, because world events could change in a second, and one cannot base a claim on something malleable that could change tomorrow. I would have liked to see a different title on this one.
Time Out reveals world’s best cities for 2024
Such an article would, of course, be always subjective. "Factors including cities’ food scenes, architecture, and cultural happenings were taken into account." as the source mentions, is not enough to come up with the conclusion of the best cities. Similarly, 20,000 city dwellers is not a large enough sample for evaluation. Have they been in every single city in the world? Do they cover the preferences of all, or at least most of the population? Since everyone has different preferences, for such ratings (each of the item), there should be a reason for its position mentioned in the article, especially for the purpose, as the article mentions: "to provide “inspiration for travel” but also a “global snapshot of city living." Argumentation is missing. Why is Cape town, rated the second best although: “South Africa may be celebrating 30 years of democracy, but the inequality in cities like Cape Town is starker than ever,” as the author of the article emphasizes? Although seemingly an innocent article that only reveals ratings, it could lead to disappointment If seriously considered creditable.
The Law Alone Cannot Curb Donald Trump’s Lawlessness
The diction in this piece is extremely one-sided, leaving no room for balanced reporting. The author uses the piece to defame former president Donald Trump without providing substantial details of the cases against him. This article is primarily an opinion piece disguised as being factual. There is also a lack of quotes and references to other reputable sources. The information provided would not be helpful if the reader had little knowledge of the trials beforehand.
House Dem tells mother of fentanyl victim she lacks ‘background to understand’ border chief’s impeachment
This clearly misconstrues the conversation between the Representative and the mourning mother, making him seem like he does not care about her grief.
Donald Trump’s history of suggesting Obama is a Muslim
The Article has zero factual information. the article is very stereotypical and judgmental.
Report: ‘Common’ for Chinese Police to Use Waterboarding, Extreme Torture in Routine Questioning
Although the article uses number of citations from the politicians and victims of the crimes, it lacks further evidence. The language used in the article is way too strong so the author should try to be more neutral, with phrases and sentences such as 'Uyghurs who refused to swear fealty to dictator Xi Jinping and accept him as a “god.”' or 'Common’ for Chinese Police' are both very misleading as we don't know the whole story.