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Founded in 1996 by Mark Alexander, The Patriot Post began as an online platform dedicated to providing news and commentary from a conservative perspective. Alexander, a military veteran and political analyst, started the publication with the goal of offering an alternative voice in the digital media landscape. The idea came from his desire to promote American principles and values through journalism. The Patriot Post remains independently owned and operated by Alexander and his team.Today, The Patriot Post primarily focuses on political news, policy analysis, and commentary on current events in the United States. They cover topics such as national security, government, economics, and cultural issues. Based in Tennessee, The Patriot Post has a national reach and aims to provide its readers with insights on American politics and society. While their main focus is on political content, they also touch on related subjects that impact American life and values.One interesting fact: The Patriot Post claims to be the web's “First Conservative Webjournal,“ having launched in 1996 when the internet was still in its early stages. This pioneering move into digital conservative media demonstrates the publication's early adoption of online platforms for political discourse.
The is ranked 5,958 among other media sources and has an average of 653,052 monthly visits according to Similar Web.
The has a Bias Score of 48% Medium Conservative which is based on a variety of factors including its policy and politician leanings, article ratings, and the use of biased language. Its Reliability is rated as Fair, and additional analytical insights are available in the other tabs.
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