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The Smirking Chimp was founded in 2001 by Jefferson Morley, a seasoned journalist who was a former Washington Post writer and editor. Morley started the site as a platform to share and discuss news and editorials, with a particular focus on political affairs. Today, the site is still run by Morley and operates as a community of bloggers and readers from around the world. Based in the United States, The Smirking Chimp primarily focuses on political news and opinion pieces. Writings on the site touch upon an array of topics such as civil liberties, social justice and environmental issues, reflecting current happenings in U.S. and world politics. **One interesting fact**: The Smirking Chimp was initially launched as a response to media coverage of President George W. Bush's administration. The name "The Smirking Chimp" was actually a nickname given to Bush, a reflection of the site's original intent to critiquely scrutinize his presidency. Since its inception, the site has evolved into a broader platform for progressive news and commentary.
The is ranked N/A among other media sources and has an average of 24,623 monthly visits according to Similar Web.
The has a Bias Score of -36% Somewhat Liberal which is based on a variety of factors including its policy and politician leanings, article ratings, and the use of biased language. Its Reliability is rated as Good, and additional analytical insights are available in the other tabs.
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