Daily Report

October 21, 2024

‘60 Minutes’ rejects Trump’s claims it edited clip for Harris as former president calls for investigation

Why Troubling News:

This article is troubling for a number of reasons, first off, they are intentionally dishonest in their rebuttal to Mr. Trump's claims. The authors say that CBS didn't edit their interview to favor Vice President Harris but simply watching the unedited version of the interview reveals that the network did in fact edit the interview. In the unedited version, Vice President Harris struggles to formulate a coherent sentence for a few moments and then answers. But CNN claims this is not true and try to justify their article by quoting CBS who themselves say the response is from "the same question...just a different portion.' CBS themselves are lying because as stated before, the portion they are referring to comes a few seconds after the Vice President initially struggles to answer. This sort of biased journalism is awful for the field and only serves to further divide America.

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