Daily Report

September 10, 2024

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lashes Out at ‘Predatory’ Jill Stein

Why Troubling News:

This article by Newsweek is fundamentally flawed. For the same reason that is flawed for Fox News to attack the Libertarian Party, Newsweek is giving voice to dishonest comments. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has the right to say what she wants but to call Jill Stein "predatory" may lead green voters to believe she's a con woman which would be missing the point of third party voters. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez said that if Stein spent all these years running and still hasn't won, then she is wasting people's time. What that fails to mention is that third party candidates do not expect to win, they want to bring awareness to issues. Moreover, what is actually predatory is what the Democrats are doing to Ms. Stein by attempting to remove her from the ballot to which the Supreme Court had to intervene. It is hypocrisy and dishonesty laid bare. These sort of comments from elected officials pave the way to restrict candidates from the ballot box which his fundamentally un-American.


  1. FunnyDuck2

    So many descriptions and comments in this article shows the apparent bias and contributes to a negative tone overall. I also agree how bad it is that Democrats are trying to remove her from the ballot.

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