Daily Report
Anti-Israel agitators destroy floats at New York Pride parade, block parade route
The title itself initially caught my eye, although calling the protesters "anti-Israel" probably isn't much of a stretch. These protestors are opposed to Israel's government, after all. But the subhead made my bias radar ping. Fox News-- which already has a reputation for being quite biased-- called these protestors pro-Hamas. Obviously, someone can have a personal philosophy that links some opponents of Israel's government to the support of Hamas. At the end of the day, however, accusing an entire group of supporting a terrorist organization when they've said nothing to indicate this is simply wrong, and shows major bias. Fox News seems to be very against these protestors, making biased generalizations about them and offering no objectivity when it comes to their coverage. This issue alone indicates potential misinformation, and very clear right-wing bias that should be noted.