Daily Report
“Behind the Curtain: Biden oligarchy will decide fate”
Even if I only saw the title and not the entire article, I would raise an eyebrow. The use of the word "oligarchy" and the phrase "decades-long kitchen cabinet" have clearly negative connotations and skewed against the Biden administration. The article explains how there's apparently an "oligarchy" of the president's family members and friends who influence and decide the president's decisions. It's also worth noting that the title "Behind the Curtains" seems overly sensational and meant to get people clicking rather than report news. What this article implies also seems to lend credence to age conspiratorial theories about an supposed shadow government or deep state that secretly rules the country. Such theories are hardly anything new, a glance at history will shine light upon such beliefs ranging from Queen Marie Antoinette being an Austrian spy to the many antisemitic conspiracies of a Jewish cabal. The promotion of such beliefs in the digital age where information is shared in an instant can have negative effects, as people online who may already flirt with such ideas may become fully swayed by biased pieces like this one. This can then lead to people questioning the legitimacy of a democratic mandate, and regardless of how you feel about the old man he was still elected democratically, same with Donald Trump. If people think that there's some shadow cabinet making decisions for the president, they loose faith in democratic institutions.