Daily Report
California Blinks: Governor Newsom Vetoes AI Bill Aimed at Catastrophic Harms
The article is biased against AI. This is first seen in the title, which emphasizes how AI could cause "catastrophic harms". Then, the author includes a quote stating, "The question is, are we going to allow large AI models to make it even easier and smoother for people to do things like shut down the electric grid or build a chemical weapon? It’s not science fiction at all.” The author uses a quote that emphasizes the risks of AI, without including any from those who are in support of it. The author ends the article with this quote: “Existing laws didn’t anticipate the AI era, and so there are lots of gaps in those laws. We don’t really have clarity about what to do about copyright. We don’t have clarity about what to do with machines when they go out of control in some way.” Again, the author emphasizes the dangers of AI without including any benefits.