Daily Report

October 3, 2024

Debate revealed Tim Walz to be a fraud ‘everyman’ — and a lightweight

Why Troubling News:

This is yet another attempt to make Tm Walz look bad and paint an unfavorable portrait of him. The language ranges from childish to cartoony, attacking Walz for mostly petty things, which even harmed situations where the reader had a valid point, such as how Waltz responded to a question about a lie he told. Most of all, the article is guilty of trying to spread to rumor that Walz lied about his military history, when light research uncovers that he did in fact serve as a coast guard. This is a blatant lie served solely to instill mistrust amongst the population against him.


  1. FunnyDuck2

    I agree, trying to spread a rumor that was a lie is just unacceptable! It is full of mockery and criticisms with no evidence to back it up.

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