Daily Report

December 21, 2024

Democrats ‘largely fine’ with Biden’s absence during shutdown talks: ‘Little clamor for him to return’

Why Troubling News:

This article attempts to go over the lack of interference and 'interest' of President Biden and the Whitehouse in this past weeks looming government shutdown due to issues passing a spending bill. It talks about how Biden spent some of the week at his house in Delaware. IT then says that many believe that Biden's absence over this process is a political move to make Trump take much of the public blame for any negative outcome. The bias that I see happens at the end of the piece where the report throws in a paragraph referencing a WSJ report that revealed "...Biden’s staff noticed his diminishing stamina as far back as 2021 during the first few months of his presidency." The discussion of President Biden's mental stamina was not prevalent in the article nor was is relevant to the issue at hand. IT seemed like a bias jab at reminding the reader of an issue to be wary of Biden on.


  1. SensibleDog11

    It’s a very interesting and clearly worrying article. After reading the article it is very clear that the issue at hand was really ignored.

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