Daily Report
Don’t disavow your extremism, Tyler Cherry — you’re PERFECT for the White House
This post, like many mediums that use misinformation, heavily obscures fact and opinion. Most of the article is taken up with statements of fact: Twitter threads from Tyler Cherry, a new member of the Biden White House communications staff. It is true, Tyler Cherry is a controversial figure for his past radical posts about defunding ICE and that the Police are Slave patrols. This is undeniable: he has (in the past, according to his Twitter), held such beliefs. What makes this post misinformation is the declaration, "But on ideology? Cherry and Biden are a perfect match." This is just conjecture and can be disproven by researching Biden's border policies. Sure, they are less forthright than Trumps; however, recent news of his proclamation under Immigration and Nationality Act sections 212(f) and 215(a) which suspends illegal immigrants is hardly anti-ICE or anti-border. Again, depending on your interpretation of this post, it can be either seen as misinformation or simply a heated opinion piece. In my opinion, given that they equate Biden's policies with radical tweets on border policy, this news article is both misinformation and inflammatory.