Daily Report

June 21, 2024

Gay Trump voters shatter Dem ‘lie’ LGBT Americans only vote blue, says Log Cabin Republicans chief

Why Troubling News:

I feel as though they are misrepresenting the actual support Trump has from LGBTQ voters. They suggest that there are about 10,000 LGBTQ Republicans across the country, suggesting that all of these voters would be casting their vote for Trump. There is no real proof that these voters are actually voting for Trump in the election as many people who identify as Republicans do not support Trump. The article says that they are hoping that 50% of LGBTQ voters will vote for Trump, this is essentially a baseless claim. Yes LGBTQ support went up slightly in 2020, but their overall percentage was still less than 30%. They provide no real evidence that any tactics Trump has used to try and capture these votes have had any material impact on actual voting.


  1. HappyMountain Lion1

    While I wouldn’t dismiss the fact that Trump could muster 10,000 LGBTQ voters–he definitely could–it’s true that these baseless claims are harmful for news. Too often, articles cite “statistics” …Read MoreWhile I wouldn’t dismiss the fact that Trump could muster 10,000 LGBTQ voters–he definitely could–it’s true that these baseless claims are harmful for news. Too often, articles cite “statistics” which are essentially drawn from thin air, and by the time readers pick up on the truth of the matter, the news has moved on to the next piece of misinformation. Good post here. Read Less

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