Daily Report
GOP Rep Delivers a House Floor Speech Straight Out of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’
Why Troubling News:
First of all, this article claims that supporters of a childcare program are 'emasculating men'. The GOP rep suggests trying to remove such programs to make men feel a part of the family again. This is simply complete blasphemy. not only is this article blatantly degrading a basic child support program, but he is also making it seem like men have no place anymore, without providing evidence.
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I agree that the article should have provided more coverage for the other side of the argument. It could have included reactions from other policymakers to add balance.
I also think the last paragraph of the article is noteworthy, as it seems to try and paint Margaret Atwood in a bad light by highlighting one controversial post she made with a tone that does not come …Read MoreI also think the last paragraph of the article is noteworthy, as it seems to try and paint Margaret Atwood in a bad light by highlighting one controversial post she made with a tone that does not come across well online. Read Less