Daily Report

November 27, 2024

Make America Safe Again: Deport Criminal Aliens

Why Troubling News:

This opinion article by Congressman Tony Gonzales I found incredibly troubling as it seems to promotes a narrative that unfairly associates immigrants with criminal behavior. The rhetoric used in the article can contribute to harmful stereotypes and overlook the complex factors that contribute to crime. In his article, Gonzales claimed "Terrorists are streaming across our borders, and the cartels are having a field day". This statement can incite fear and panic among the public, leading to increased xenophobia and discrimination against immigrants. It oversimplifies the issue by suggesting that all immigrants pose a threat, ignoring the reality that the majority of immigrants are law-abiding individuals seeking better opportunities. Furthermore, such rhetoric can hinder productive discussions on comprehensive immigration reform and border security.


  1. PatientSeahorse6

    Articles like this want to cause a divide and sow fear that is what also makes them troubling news. If people only get news from one source they could only have one viewpoint on the matter.

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  2. ResilientDog

    This kind of rhetoric is a major contributor to rising tensions against immigrants and migrants, which are unfair and generalize large groups without evidence. This article is far from fair and …Read MoreThis kind of rhetoric is a major contributor to rising tensions against immigrants and migrants, which are unfair and generalize large groups without evidence. This article is far from fair and impartial, giving just one viewpoint among many. Read Less

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