Daily Report

May 31, 2024

No, an Israeli Real Estate Company Is Not Selling Beachfront Homes in Gaza

Why Troubling News:

Headline is completely adverse to every other story I've read on the matter. While I have seen many articles talking about Israel grabbing land in the destroyed portions of the Gaza Strip, this was the first headline that caught my eye which said otherwise. This story chalks the whole story up to rumors which were started when an Israeli Real-Estate company put out ads for land which was within the Gaza Strip. This is the only article I've seen which has taken this approach, as there has been numerous articles claiming quite the opposite


  1. SincereCow2

    I have seen articles discussing this topic and found them very distressing originally, which is why it is so important that other sources are beginning to more actively address these claims and prove …Read MoreI have seen articles discussing this topic and found them very distressing originally, which is why it is so important that other sources are beginning to more actively address these claims and prove them false. So few have taken this approach which is interesting. Read Less

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