Daily Report

January 14, 2025

Poor Attempt of Trying to Fabricate a CNN Video For A Fixed Narrative

Why Troubling News:

A social media post in the form of a 12 minute video claimed that a leading drug manufacturer violently assailed an antivaccine activist.The video is a poorly edited slob which clearly has an AI voiced Anderson Cooper and cut footage that states a fixed narrative that Pfizer Employees burned down a car. Whereas the only evidence of this is that we see the video of a burning car. Followed by an AI "fake" voice of Anderson Cooper that claims it was Pfizer. The rest of the video shows the clips of the woman's video. The source of the video which is health beat is a small Facebook channel that is one of many poorly created content farms on social media that tries to disguises itself as an "Authentic News Source" and uses many click bait titles such as these posts to drive engagement to their platform.


  1. CleverEagle4

    “Content Farm” is a good label for this, as there seems to be nonsensical, unrelated videos playing in the background to keep the viewer watching. Utilizing techniques like this is one of the many …Read More“Content Farm” is a good label for this, as there seems to be nonsensical, unrelated videos playing in the background to keep the viewer watching. Utilizing techniques like this is one of the many signs that the creator is not authentic in presenting their information accurately. It instead shows that the creator’s motive is in gaining engagements/views. Read Less

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  2. BraveAnt6

    Wow, using Artificial intelligence in order to spread misinformation is something that is increasing, it’s clearly AI, but this means that as time goes by, it’s just gonna look more real and believable.

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