Daily Report

March 15, 2024

President Joe Biden, clearly in cognitive decline, can’t be making hard decisions

Why Troubling News:

This whole article was written to discuss how Biden is in cognitive decline and is unable to do the job of the president. It becomes clear that the article is clearly against Biden when reading it. It describes the president as an "octogenarian with dementia". This statement is unfounded. The president's doctor has repeated said that Biden is capable of doing his job. The author provides no factual evidence that Biden is suffering from dementia. Upon further reading, you find more inaccuracies. It describes the Cabinet as being the actual leaders of the United States. It makes it sound as though Biden is just a ceremonial figurehead. Again, there is no evidence to support this. This article is plagued with a severe lack of trustworthy sources. There is no evidence to back up the claims being made. It would have been better if the author provided use of sources who believe that Biden is capable and sources who believe that he is incapable. The author could have then gathered these sources and written an article that allows the viewer to come to their own opinion about whether they have trust in Biden to be president. Currently, the writer is making this decision for you.


  1. HappyDuck

    I agree, it is clear that the objective of the article is solely to slander Biden.

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  2. CuriousPanda2

    I concur that this article attempts to sway the reader to agree with the author’s opinion. Interestingly, the author expresses negative sentiments about both Biden and Trump, leaving the viewer to …Read MoreI concur that this article attempts to sway the reader to agree with the author’s opinion. Interestingly, the author expresses negative sentiments about both Biden and Trump, leaving the viewer to feel disdain for both men. There is also a clear lack of objectivity in this article, which makes it hard for the reader to develop their own view. That being said, it is labeled as an opinion piece, so perhaps the inflammatory language and expediency bias can be expected to some degree. Read Less

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