Daily Report

January 13, 2024

Prince Andrew, Clinton, Hawking: what do the Epstein documents say about key people?

Why Troubling News:

Multiple sources have reported the claims that renown physicist Stephen Hawking has been part of the Epstein documents that have been released. While the article does not clear state that Hawking was part of the list, it offers suggestive language that might lead readers to conclude he was part of the underage sexual abuse that Epstein led.


  1. HappyDuck

    I find that there is a lot of misinformation surrounding the Epstein documents because most people do not want to take the time to read through them, and so they instead rely on media reports which …Read MoreI find that there is a lot of misinformation surrounding the Epstein documents because most people do not want to take the time to read through them, and so they instead rely on media reports which are often misconstrued. Read Less

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