Daily Report
Shamed Democratic Pollster Quits Profession after Failing to Rig the Presidential Election
This article is very biased, and goes into the realm of near-baseless speculation and almost conspiratorial thinking. First off, the author calls all mainstream media liberally biased without acknowledging any exceptions or nuance, and scoffs at any articles claiming otherwise, and the reasons they might. It then moves to question the authenticity of the final poll released by Selzer, a non-partisan poll. In the polling industry, outliers and big misses from reputable pollsters happen -- for example, the WaPo poll which is considered good, released a lopsided Biden+17 Wisconsin poll, an outlier that did not occur. This is what happened to Selzer, she ended up with an outlier. The speculative accusation that she somehow rigged the poll is misinformation, as there is no evidence to base it out of. This article is also blatant misinformation for calling Selzer a Democratic Pollster, when she is a non-partisan one. Democratic pollsters are those commissioned by the Democratic party or Democratic Campaigns. Selzer is commissioned by the Des-Moines Register.