Daily Report
Study: Non-Citizens Accounted for 64% of Arrests for Federal Offenses in 2018
The title of this article is extremely misleading, it implies that non-citizens throughout the country are responsible for well over half the federal arrests made. This is not the case throughout the country, as the author finally makes a caveat in the second half of the article that those statistics only apply to 5 districts along the southern border. The author also compares the statistic to a national statistic "accounted for 15% of all federal arrests and 15% of prosecutions in U.S. district court for non-immigration crimes in 2018" which did not solely apply to the 5 counties he based his original statistics off of. This article is very misleading to the reader, moreover, is extremely misleading to users browsing the site who only read the title of the article as they would be assuming a piece of completely false information.