Daily Report

August 2, 2024

The Kamala Harris Psyop

Why Troubling News:

The author uses the words "psyop" and "manufactured stardom" to suggest that Kamala Harris' popularity is an unnatural, fake false narrative that the left is promoting to trick voters. This is not true and directly disproven by the photo from her successful campaign rally in Atlanta. The article's headline tries create mistrust about the Democratic party, along with using the term "left-wing hysteria" in the body. The author also falsely claims, "She encouraged donations to a bail-reform group that released violent criminals, including sex offenders, back onto the streets." In reality, Harris worked to penalize sex offenders and tighten laws regarding sexual assault.


  1. CleverKoala3

    A hit piece on her. They are trying to capitalize on other articles and people criticizing her personality and tying it to her policy and actions.

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