Daily Report
The Private Sector is ditching DEI, but government can’t let go
Opinion pieces generally should have some level of decorum in the, even if the author thinks they are delivering a harsh truth. The article is filled with snide asides from an author who clearly has an axe to grind with diversity initiatives; “Diversity” is code for specified hiring and promotion quotas based on race, gender, sexuality and similar factors. In practice, it boils down to discrimination. “Equity” sounds like “equality,” an idea Americans like, but it actually means the exact opposite. Under “equity,” we don’t treat people equally but very explicitly treat them unequally in the name of “fair” outcomes — a term that means whatever the powers-that-be want it to mean at the moment. The author's bias is also betrayed by his disclosure of the people he feels are left out of these initiatives: As for “inclusion,” well, when was the last time you saw a “DEI advocate” demand the inclusion of Republicans, conservatives, Christians or white males? They want to include everyone — except the people they don’t like. The author uses rhetorical questions to deliver vitriolic hammer blows of points; one is given the impression that he would like his readers to be cowed into agreement. Articles like these are usually uninformative and best avoided.