Daily Report

June 28, 2024

Trump: Biden’s Biggest Lie Is He Is A 6-Handicap Golfer

Why Troubling News:

This news is troubling for two reasons: The article cherry picks golf clips from both candidates, as if it was a fair comparison. This is not how competition works (although one's golf skills should not be an indicator of readiness for office). The other reason is that this childish debate is being picked up by OANN in order to punish one candidate and reward another for their supposed golf skills. These should not be requisite skills for office, and OANN latching onto such topics is harmful for the presidential race. Other points from the debate, like each candidate's mental strength, are much more pertinent details than golf skills.


  1. GraciousCrocodile4

    I completely agree that the point of each candidate’s mental strength is of far greater importance than who can play golf better. The fact that they got into the debate to begin with is baffling, and …Read MoreI completely agree that the point of each candidate’s mental strength is of far greater importance than who can play golf better. The fact that they got into the debate to begin with is baffling, and the fact that OANN decided to feed off it shows a greater desire for taking advantage of sensationalism over trivial matters rather than reporting news of topics that actually effect the nation. Read Less

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