Daily Report

October 20, 2024

Trump thinks Americans have forgotten how bad his hurricane relief efforts were

Why Troubling News:

The title of this article makes it obvious that this piece will be biased against Trump and will be left leaning. The article also states that Trump is weaponizing the hurricanes for a campign issue. The article also says that Trump cannot handle national crises as well as that his handling of crises during his second term would be work. Also that Trump believes that people should only get funding based on where they live becuase of his handling of Puerto Rico. The article states that Trump only cares about himself and how he will not admit to mistakes when it comes to handling disasters. The article keeps harping on Trump and his inability to handle issues that will happen during his second term. Also, that people will not be able to trust Trump during his term for how he handled this issues during his first term. This article is obviously left-leaning and does paints Trump in a bad light.


  1. ResilientDog

    It’s a very left-leaning opinion article that extrapolates from a single incident. While Trump’s handling of Hurricane Maria was subpar, it does speculation about Trump’s abilities and personality …Read MoreIt’s a very left-leaning opinion article that extrapolates from a single incident. While Trump’s handling of Hurricane Maria was subpar, it does speculation about Trump’s abilities and personality that needs more points of evidence to support it. I don’t think article is entirely untruthful, but it is lacking in terms of supporting information. Read Less

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