Daily Report

October 25, 2024

Video that appears to show Pennsylvania voters’ ballots being ripped up is fake, officials say

Why Troubling News:

This is troubling news for me because it's just another example of how easy it is to fake information on the internet and spread it. Specifically, it's another example of someone trying to sew distrust in the government and our election by faking information. With videos, it's harder to distinguish whether or not something is real, which makes it more likely that people will more readily believe it even if it isn't true. I'm glad people are trying to crack down on this misinformation and push back, but it still spreads to incredibly fast it's hard to try to control it all.


  1. PatientSeahorse6

    Fake news spreads so much quicker these days with social media which will sow doubt and mistrust in the government and elections if people do not decide to look further into things they see online. I …Read MoreFake news spreads so much quicker these days with social media which will sow doubt and mistrust in the government and elections if people do not decide to look further into things they see online. I have had to go research multiple things I found on social media to see if it was true or false since videos and pictures can be convincing. Read Less

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